Respite Care

Respite Care at Folkestone

Allowing carers to take a short break whilst the resident is looked after in a safe and comfortable environment. Sometimes helpful when deciding on longer term suitability (subject to availability)

I came in for respite with a broken leg. The staff have been friendly and helpful. The bed was ideal for elevating my leg and there was always a cup of tea/coffee on demand for me and my visitors. The care I needed was fully provided.


Respite Care

Respite Care offers short stay care which can be anywhere between a minimum of 2 weeks, and extend to a maximum of 8 weeks in duration. Respite Care gives an opportunity to Relatives and care givers for a break whilst ensuring that their loved ones are receiving the very best professional care. Respite Care can be offered for both longer term conditions and more simple less complex residential needs.

Our experienced care team ensure that the Residents are supported through this period of stay, with meaningful engagement which can often result in promotion and improvement in a persons independence and outlook on their future.


Alternatively, some may use the option of Respite Care to sample our facilities which may assist them in making a decision regarding a longer term or even permanent arrangement to call Folkestone Care Centre a place of Health Opportunity and Meaningful Engagement for them.